Thursday, February 26, 2009

Take a Letter

written thus:

Dear President Obama,
Congratulations on an uplifting and inspiring State of the Union address. I believe I speak for many Americans in wholeheartedly agreeing with your summation of current events and the steps necessary to heal the nation’s economic woes. The problems have been years in the making and no one quick fix will turn things around. This is a point you made admirably as to not foster undue expectations about what lies ahead.
I would like to pass along one small reminder that many of your advisors have undoubtedly told you. Not so long ago, George W. Bush famously declared he had political capital that he intended to use. The declaration was foolhardy and laughable. The man presided over a deeply divided country and was elected in 2000 and 2004 under the most dubious circumstances. You, however, have political capital in bountiful excess which I and many others expect you to use.
You have made the point already: “I won.” The GOP ideologues you are facing are relentless in their desire to see you fail. They are bitter, frightened and clinging to the last shreds of a political orientation that has veered so sharply to the right I doubt there will ever be a true voice for moderates again. With that in mind, proceed appropriately. Work with those members who “get it,” i.e. that not every compromise means a loss of political credibility. But have no illusions: these people are not helpful or productive. They aided and abetted the worst offenses of George W. Bush and his ilk with nary a whisper.
So carry forward sir, but be bold, be forceful where necessary and do not fall into the trappings that embroiled your Democratic predecessors. You have the unyielding confidence and support of more people than you will ever know.

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